Your tax-deductible donation of any amount will help solve and prevent crimes in your community and schools while making our city and county a safer place to work and raise a family.
Since 2008, the Hopewell-Prince George Crime Solvers has paid out nearly $60,000 in cash payments to individuals who have assisted in solving crimes. This money is received solely through donations and fund-raising events. Crime Solvers, a 501-3c non-profit, does NOT receive any tax dollars and is managed by a group of volunteers with the assistance of local law enforcement agents.
As more and more tips are received, the more payouts have been made, which means the Crime Solvers Program is succeeding at its goal of solving crimes and making the community a safer place to live, work and raise a family.
The success of the Crime Solvers program depends solely on donations made by businesses, civic groups, and individuals in our community.
Fundraising events are also held each year. With your help, this program can continue to benefit our community and schools.
Hopewell/Prince George Crime Solvers
P.O. Box 25
Hopewell, VA 23860